Excessive salt intake is highly prevalent worldwide, posing as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Scientific evidence supports
the need for salt reduction in food. This project aimed for application of microencapsulation of aromas of aromatic plants and spices to decrease/exclude salt. Product was applied in school and adult meals in two canteens. Participants fulfilled a questionnaire for hedonic, salt and overall evaluation. Results for sensorial evaluation show no significant differences for most of the parameters (overall evaluationchildren – MCMc = 7,5, SD = ±1,6; MIMc = 8,2, SD = ±1,3; saltchildren – MCSc = 2,9, SD = ±0,7; MISc = 2,6, SD = ±0,7; overall evaluationadults MCM = 6,8, SD = ±1,1; MIM = 6,5, SD = ±1,3; saltadults – MCM = 3,1, SD = ±0,5; MIM = 2,75, SD = ±0,5)), evidencing good acceptance.
This product constitutes a strategy for salt reduction/elimination in catering and people’s homes.